Dengue Surge in India- Preventive Measures

The alarming rate at which dengue fever spreads in the country has created panic over allocating medical resources to states among the medical authorities. Among the affected states, the South Indian states Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka host the highest number of infections. The high impact of Dengue in these states is reportedly due to the onset of the monsoon season, where numbers surge regularly.
Due to the intense pain it causes to the joints and muscles, Dengue fever is otherwise called a “break-bone” disease. Carried by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes, DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4 viruses cause the disease in humans.
The monsoon season is a fundamental factor in the increasing number of cases. The increasing water level offers the perfect breeding spots for mosquitoes. Many hospitals witness a massive surge of patients in these months, with most of them lacking critical facilities for accommodating everyone. Some people may require ICU admissions as well. It is thus compulsory to understand the symptoms of Dengue and educate ourselves.
Phases of Dengue Fever
There are many phases to dengue fever. They include:
- Febrile- This phase particularly begins with a high fever. It is later followed by severe body aches, headaches, eye pain, etc., which can be sustained for the next few days.
- Critical—This is the most dangerous phase of Dengue. The difficulties in this phase include low BP, tiredness, giddiness, and, in rare cases, bleeding. For patients who are severely affected, jaundice, kidney failure, and ICU care are all expected. The maximum period of this crucial phase is up to 3 days.
- Recovery—In this phase, the body recovers. Even then, issues such as skin rashes, itches, low heart rate, etc., will occur.

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Managing Dengue at Home
- Hydration—Hydration is identified as a major step in the prevention of Dengue. The water levels inside the body should be maintained at optimal levels. ORS, buttermilk, coconut water, normal water, and fruit juices are all hydration agents that can help a person maintain optimal water levels.
- Watching out for Symptoms- The early signs of Dengue include vomiting, abdominal pain, giddiness, etc.
Do’s for treating Dengue.
- Temperature- The body temperature should be maintained below 39°C. Providing the patient with paracetamol is highly advised.
- Hydration- Providing large quantities of water through various sources- fruits, ORS, etc.- is also a great step in preventing complexity.
- Rest- The patient should not be allowed to do any work. Rest is highly advocated for curing Dengue.
- Consultation- The person looking after a patient should be aware of the following manifestations: Red Spots, Bleeding, vomiting, vomiting with blood, black spots, abdominal pain, breathing difficulty, etc. If the patient has any of these difficulties, they should be immediately taken to a doctor.
Don’ts for Treating Dengue
- Consultation- There should not be any hesitation in going to the doctor. The bystander should be alert on all times.
- Avoid Painkillers- Popular painkillers- Aspirin, Brufen, Ibuprofen, etc., are not useful for treating Dengue, and might cause aggravation of symptoms.
- No Antibiotics- They are used for bacterial infections. A viral infection like Dengue depends on prescriptions from a trusted physician.
Food for Prevention
Some of the food items that can help raise the immunity levels against Dengue are:
- Papaya
- Fruits- Orange, Lemon, Pineapple, Cranberry, etc.
- Ginger
- Almonds
- Turmeric
- Yogurt