sairam bhaskar


Summary of Legal Context for “Kept Mistresses” in India What legal protections are available for women in live-in relationships under Indian law?Legal Protections for Women in Live-In Relationships in India How does Indian law address the issue of maintenance for ‘kept mistresses’?Maintenance for “Kept Mistresses” under Indian Law What legal recourse is available for women…

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Experts Reveal Troubling Reality Behind This Craze

People Want Everything ‘Natural’: Experts Reveal Troubling Reality Behind This Craze

People are all about the word ‘natural,’ nowadays. The rash decisions that people make in choosing things that are ‘natural’ without thinking is concerning. A study reveals that being all gaga about everything associated with the ‘word’ natural can draw problems. People always reach out for ‘natural’ products because of an innate instinct. Things labelled…

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