Salt Worsens Diabetes: A Silent Killer Revealed by Nutritionist in India
Salt has been a hidden culprit for worsening the health conditions amongst patients with diabetes. This serial killer is an essential part of every person’s daily diet even in India. Diabetics can fight off their health problems by limiting their salt consumption.
WHO (World Health Organization) has revealed that adults who consume 5 grams of salt in their daily diet can limit diabetes-related health complications. People unknowingly consume large amounts of salt while eating processed foods. Excess salt intake can invite problems like heart disease and hypertension. This is why people, especially diabetic patients, should always overlook salt consumption. Diabetic patients who consume more than 5 grams of salt in a day can worsen the health complications.
Hidden Link Between Diabetes and Salt Consumption
Diabetic patients need to limit their sodium content consumption to reduce potential health complications. Excess sugar consumption can aggravate tooth decay and weight gain. But the negative effects of excessive salt intake take time to become noticeable.
Excessive salt intake can develop hypertension in people. This health problem in people can go unnoticed for years. Hypertension can become the root cause of stroke and heart disease amongst many diabetics. Excess salt consumption escalates the probability of kidney disease, stomach cancer, and osteoporosis.
Salt Intake: Lowering It Is Essential
People with diabetes need to limit their salt intake as soon as possible. A small portion of salt intake is essential to prevent health complications amongst diabetics. Diabetics should refrain from consuming processed foods or at least overlook their consumption habits.
Home Cooked Food
Health experts and nutritionists across the world revealed that consumption of home-prepared meals can help people limit their salt intake to a considerable extent. Diabetics can consume home-cooked food with fresh ingredients rather than pre-packed seasons, sauces, and more. Pre-packed sauces and seasonings are loaded with sodium. Batch-cooking meals and freezing portions of food can serve as a considerable alternative to eating processed foods.
Read Food Labels
The amount of salt in processed foods and pre-packed items can be astonishing. Processed foods that have labels “no added salt’ and “low-sodium” mentioned on them can be consumed by diabetics. People should limit themselves from shopping for food items with high amounts of salts. Food influencers around the world educate masses and decode ingredients in popular pre-packed foods across India. Eat fresh vegetables as well as fruits whenever possible.
Natural Food Enhancers
Use natural flavour enhancers like spices, garlic, lemon juice, vinegar, and ginger rather than salt for flavour. Natural flavour enhancers can add complexity and depth to food items without concerning sodium levels. Add lemon on grilled chicken or paprika on roasted chicken rather than salt for flavor.
Limit Carb Consumption
Bread and diabetes have been a concerning food preference for diabetics for many years now. People should count on quinoa and brown rice more than bread. Breads with lower sodium content can even be consumed. Diabetics can reduce their bread consumption and switch to alternatives like farro and barley.