The Downsides Of Strict Parenting: Stop Raising Kids With Low Self-Esteem

Do you want your child to lack social skills? Research shows that you need to switch to a different parenting style than strict parenting if you really want your child to thrive and learn to self-regulate. There are many downsides of strict parenting and rebellion and poor social skills are few of them. We are not asking you to be lenient with your child but we are definitely not recommending strict parenting style for your child.
Children Won’t Learn To Self-Regulate
Are you setting too many harsh limits on your child? This controlling behavior is surely not beneficial for them. Parents have to be more thoughtful; otherwise, you are only triggering resistance in your child. Teaching kids self-discipline is something good that a parent can actually do for their child. Any child, just like you, doesn’t like to be controlled. They surely won’t want to behave properly unless you tell them to do the same.

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Low Self-Esteem
Are you very strict with your child? You are probably developing low self esteem in your child. Parents need to stop making their child feel they can never measure up to their expectations. Don’t make your child ever feel like they are not good enough. If your child fails, don’t criticize them.
Poor Social Skills
Strict parents are raising their children to lack social skills. A strict parent hardly gives their child an opportunity to make decisions on their own or interact with others. You need to let your child be open enough with you so that they express themselves. Teaching children to express their feelings will not make them feel afraid to speak their mind and help them build relationships with others.
Are you teaching your child to run after being perfect? Rethink your decision. When a child feels guilty for not living up to their parent’s expectations, it is the worst feeling ever for them. You are only expecting them to work harder than they want to or could do. You shouldn’t mess with your child’s mental health or overall well-being.
Does your child always want to break free? You might need to check what’s forcing them to do so. Being a strict parent can only make a child want to rebel and engage in risky behaviors to assert independence. Parents need to stop being strict before their child hops onto addiction or indulges in other negative behaviors. Stop forcing your child to follow a strict diet, or they might end up becoming overweight in the future.
To summarize, strict parenting isn’t always right. If you are a strict parent then you are probably raising your child to be rebellious and run after perfection. You should follow the authoritative parenting style in which your child thrives on age appropriate expectations and limits.