How To Get Your Circadian Rhythm Back On Track For Better Sleep?

Circadian rhythm is the rhythm or internal clock of our body. When your body has disrupted this rhythm, you may face issues in your health. This makes it difficult to perform daily tasks. In this article, we will tell you a few symptoms that indicate a disrupted circadian cycle and how to get your sleeping cycle back on track.
Circadian rhythm is a 24-hour body cycle. This cycle influences our sleeping patterns, the biological functions of the body, and the energy required to perform our daily tasks and to lead to healthy lifestyle.
Circadian rhythm disorder is the disruption in this cycle and sleeping cycle and the adverse effects accompanying this disruption. This disruption has a direct impact on our food intake, sleeping schedule, and overall functioning of the body.

If the circadian rhythm is not managed well and ignored for long, it causes serious issues such as metabolic problems in the body, severe health issues, premature aging, and more.
The whole circadian rhythm depends upon our sleeping cycle. Managing the sleeping schedule, where your body rests and recuperates, can help you significantly with your circadian rhythm.
The circadian cycle is the body’s cycle to work and rest. It ensures the proper functioning of all the internal body activities, especially a good sleeping cycle.
Following are some of the symptoms of a disrupted circadian rhythm or cycle:
- One might experience difficulty in performing daily tasks.
- One feels exhausted.
- There is a lack of attentiveness and concentration.
- One faces issues with sleeping and has difficulty maintaining a sleeping schedule.
- One also faces physical discomfort like sickness and body aches.
- Various biological functions necessary for survival are also affected.
The circadian rhythm greatly depends on your sleeping cycle. One should ensure to get the proper sleep that your body requires. For this, you may need to adopt certain healthy lifestyle habits.
Following are a few factors that can greatly improve your sleeping cycle:
- Maintain a proper sleeping schedule. It may include hours of sleep with fixed sleeping time to maintain a circadian rhythm. Avoid sleeping off this time if possible for better sleep quality and maintaining the internal clock of the body.
- Maintain a relaxing sleeping environment. A relaxing environment can be created by keeping the room cool, dark, and silent as much as possible. Ensure to select the bed that can promote better sleep and not makes you toss and turn all night.
- Avoid exposure to light emitting from a screen. It includes avoiding the use of devices such as phones, tablets, laptops, or TV. These devices emit artificial light that affects the melatonin levels of the body. Using these devices before sleeping can distract you. This disturbance affects the sleeping cycle significantly.
- One may incorporate exercise and exposure to natural light in the daytime to promote better sleep at night. One should avoid exercising at night or closer to time to sleep as it makes your body energized, affecting sleep.