Recently, actor Kriti Sanon was seen at the trailer launch of her upcoming movie Adipurush. She was wearing a 24-carat gold khadi block print vintage saree with a Zardozi border and pearl-beaded edges. Her ethnic and elegant look was designed by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla. To add some sparkle to her look, the actor wore jewelry pieces from Gehna Jewelers.
The actor had worn a saree several times earlier, but this look of her was one of a kind that her fans couldn’t take their eyes off of her photos. This look of her resembled her appearance as Sita in her upcoming movie. She paired the saree with a fine, mustard Farisharesham blouse, which added sparkle to her elegant look.
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It was a double saree look, combining an off-white khadi saree and a Kerela cotton vintage saree. The actor revealed that her look is inspired by her character as Sita in the movie. Talking about the double saree look, she said that a goddess won’t be wearing a simple saree thus the idea of a double saree was adopted. Also, we have seen many times the designer Sandeep Khosla’s addiction to double saree designs for years now.
Her look was inspired by her character Sita, so, she made it simple yet elegant. The movie Adipurush is scheduled to be released on 16 June 2023. The film stars Saif Ali Khan as Ravana, Prabhas as lord Ram, Kriti Sanon as goddess Sita, Sunny Singh as Laxman, and Devdatta Nage as Hanuman. The movie is directed by Om Raut and is based on the Hindi epic Ramayana. This would be the first time the audience would see Prabhas and Kriti Sanon together in a film.
The film was announced in August 2020, and the teaser launched in October 2022. Recently on Tuesday, the film’s awaited trailer was released. The film is included in the most expensive Indian films ever made. Kriti Sanon hasn’t played such characters earlier, so, it would be interesting to see her in such a role.
Kriti Sanon started her acting career in the film Heropanti in 2014, for which the actor won Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut. Before joining the film industry, she worked as a fashion model. She has also worked in films like Bareilly Ki Barfi, Luka Chupi, Dilwale, Housefull 4, Mimi, etc. The actor has received several accolades for her contribution to Indian cinema. Apart from her acting career, she launched her line of clothing and a fitness company. In 2022, the actor was ranked 17th in GQ India’s 30 Most Influential Young Indians.
The actor was last seen in the movie Shehzada opposite Kartik Aryan. The film was a remake of the Telugu movie Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo. However, the movie couldn’t perform well on screen. Her upcoming films include Vikas Bahl’s action film Ganapath in which she will be seen opposite Tiger Shroff, and Adipurush in which she will work with Prabhas and Saif Ali Khan. She will also be seen in a female-led film The Crew in which she will work with Kareena Kapoor and Tabu.