The AQI Of Guwahati Is Worse Than Mumbai And Delhi

According to a report published in The Times Of India, lately, news about the air quality of Mumbai and Delhi has been going around as it has become very poor at the onset of summer. It has remained a major concern for the civic authorities. But now according to the reports gathered on Tuesday, the air quality of Guwahati has become worse than in Mumbai and Delhi. This has indeed sent out an alarm amongst the conservationists and the city dwellers as well.
According to data issued by the CPCB, Guwahati, on Tuesday the air quality index for Guwahati has been more than three hundred. In Mumbai and Delhi, the AQI is below this level. Tuesday morning in Delhi was covered in a thick layer of pollutants and dust causing respiratory issues amongst many of its residents.
Manoj Saikia, who happens to be a senior scientist of the environment in Assam’s PCB has said that respiratory issues are common to find in people when the level of air quality remains at three hundred to four hundred. This falls in the very poor category and causes breathing issues in people. And prolonged exposure to it may also lead to severe lung issues. He further added that when the AQI is between three hundred to four hundred, it is very unhealthy for the body and so it falls under the very poor category.
When the AQI is between the range of zero to fifty, it is called good and when it is between fifty-one to hundred it is called satisfactory. Whereas the range between hundred and one to two hundred and two hundred and one to three hundred are moderate and poor. When it reaches between three hundred and one to four hundred or four hundred and one to five hundred it is very poor and severe.

Lack Of Rainfall And Constructions Leading To Air Pollution
Saikia has further stated that each year during the months of November to March, the quality of air degrades because of the dryness in the air. A lack of rainfalls during this season leads to the formation of sandbars across the Brahmaputra. The hills get leveled for construction leading to an increase in pollution. In addition to that major construction works that are going around in different parts of the city are also leading to this air pollution.
Furthermore, he added even the increase in vehicles across Guwahati and other parts of India is causing greater pollution distress in different parts of India. The pollutants present in the vehicles are making the air poisonous. This is why a major part of the population across different cities in India is suffering from various lung issues. Along with Guwahati, Silchar, Nalbari, Nagaon, and Sivasagar, there are a hundred and thirty-one more cities that fall under the non-attainment zone. It means these cities do not meet air quality standards. The municipalities are trying to look in look into the matter with immediate effect.